Stratus Real Estate Developers, LLC

Premier Gear Slab

Today the first slab was cast for Premier Gear’s new manufacturing building in Canby, Oregon.  Over half of the floor slab was cast with boom pump from over 72 truckloads of concrete.  Stratus Developers is managing the contractor’s schedule, contract, quality, change orders, inspections and performance.

Work started before 3:00 am in order to get as much concrete in place as possible before the mixer trucks could get held up in traffic.  The laser screed, shown in a picture above, levels the surface off exactly flat after the pumper hose splats the concrete over a double mat of reinforcing steel bar. Riding troweling machines smooth and burnish the surface as it cures into the afternoon.

Forming of wall panels on the new slab will start soon as the second half of the floor slab is cast in the next good weather window.